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MD Charity Campaign 
Number 27-2879838


Combined Federal
Campaign #15863


Thank you for Supporting
All Shepherd Rescue!!! 
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Bonnie's Sponsorship Page

Beautiful Bonnie will warm your heart with her affectionate nature ......and her affection extends to other dogs and cats as well ! 

Found as a stray, it is so hard to believe that no one came for this  warm and friendly  dog. But unfortunately , that story is all too common now. Shelters and rescues are all overflowing .

When she tested positive for Heartworm , we knew she would never make it out of the shelter .

(Heartworm is expensive to treat ,and the full course of treatment lasts 90 days, something most shelters cannot do. )

Bonnie ( and the dogs she was found with, Clyde) was lucky , though.....a foster family opened their home to both her and her friend Clyde.  Both are in the initial phases of Heartworm Treatment and will be ready to start the injections shortly . 

Bonnie can be adopted at any stage of her treatment and ASR will continue to be responsible for all costs associated with her Heartworm Treatment .

If you have not yet completed our Application process, please complete our Adoption Application at Our Adoption Fee is $350.00

Bonnie's Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
  Sponsor $
  Sponsor $

---------- OR ----------

Recurring Sponsorship
  Amount of EACH sponsorship payment:
Repeat sponsorship payment every:
Would you like to stop
the recurring sponsorship
after a certain number of payments?
Yes No
If yes, how many?

P.O. Box 23231 •  Baltimore, MD 21203  •  (410) 775-6473 •  adoptions [ at ]