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MD Charity Campaign 
Number 27-2879838


Combined Federal
Campaign #15863


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All Shepherd Rescue!!! 
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Adoption/Foster App


Thank you for submitting an application !


Our average turn around time is 7 days , as long as we can reach your references as well as schedule a mutually convenient time for your Home Visit!

Please allow us 48 hours to respond to you by phone or email.

Dogs are a lifetime commitment , if you are new to having a dog, please do your research on both German Shepherds and the time and expense  required by adding a dog or puppy to your family.


Before  you complete an application some frequently asked questions !


How do I begin the application/adoption process?

  1. Submitting your application online is the quickest way to begin the application process. There is no charge to submit an application for adoption.
  2. Be as thorough as you can when completing the application. This helps the process go more quickly.
  3. Please  contact your references (including your veterinarian, if applicable) and let them know you’re listing them as references on your application. This enables us to work more quickly.
  4. We will send acknowledgement of your application as soon as we receive it. Generally, applications are reviewed within 24 hours of receipt.

What happens next?

Our application review process consists of the following:

  1. Verification of home ownership or landlord approval—if you rent your home, you must provide written permission ( on your landlords letterhead  stationary ) to have a German Shepherd dog or a dog mixed with German Shepherd.  This can be faxed to 888-775-2798 or scanned and emailed to
  2. Review of public sites (such as
  3. Verification with your veterinarian (if applicable) that your pets have been kept up to date on vaccinations, have had annual exams, and have received appropriate care. We also verify that your dogs receive annual heartworm tests and are kept on a heartworm preventative year-round, unless there is a medical reason to avoid this care. If heartworm medication has not been used year round for your dogs -except for a veterinarian documented health reason- we will not approve your application.
  4. If you have cats, we verify that they are up to date on their state-mandated rabies vaccination.
  5. Phone conversations with the three personal references listed on your application.

After this review process is complete, we will contact you to schedule a home visit.

What is a home visit?

Our volunteer will contact you and ask to set up a meeting at a mutually convenient time for members of the family and any other party that will be a  caretaker   or in  regular   contact   with your dog. Everyone living in the home  should be  present  for the Home Visit.

A home visit is an opportunity for us to meet you and your family (including any current pets you have), and answer any questions you might have about us, our adoption process, our dogs, or German Shepherd Dogs in general (many of our adopters are first-time dog owners).  

Another reason we conduct home visits is to get an idea of what type of dog (high energy, couch potato, kid-friendly, etc.) will be the best fit for you and your family. 

Generally, we contact you with 48 hours after the home visit to let you know if you’re approved to adopt.

We will also  send you a copy of our Adoption Contract to review prior to meeting any dogs.


How soon can I meet the dogs?

This depends on your schedule and the schedules of dogs’ foster parents. We know this is a very exciting step and do our best to have it happen asap

Please note , if you have a cat we will do our best to evaluate our dogs with a cat but if that is not possible, we may have to ask you to bring your cat to meet the dog you are interested in ( safely contained in a hard shell crate for the meeting .


ALL family members including any family dogs, as well as anyone who will be a regular caretaker of the dog, should also be present for the meeting. 

If you have other pets that will be in regular contact with your dog, please let us know in advance.......we have introduced dogs to rabbits, chinchilla's , horses, pet birds and pet chickens :-)  The safety of your existing pets /animal friends is important to us in all our dog placements.


Can I meet the dog I’m interested in while you’re processing my application?

Yes, if the dog you’re interested in is attending one of our Meet & Greets or other events. Otherwise, only applicants who have completed the full process and are approved adopters can meet dogs, since such meetings often are held at the foster’s home.


How do I find a dog that will be a good fit for me and my family?

Finding the right dog for you is critically important to us. Our Adoption Coordinator works closely with our fosters to know all our dogs’ personalities and will be able to suggest possible dogs for you.

Our volunteers will help with dog-to-dog meetings if you have a dog, and dog-to-cat meetings if you have a cat.

We are confident we can find the right dog for you. 


What happens when I meet the right dog?


Once you meet the dog that is the perfect fit for you and your family, the dog’s foster will review the Adoption Contract with you (and any co-applicants) and have you sign or initial the appropriate sections.

The adoption fee is $350, payable by cash, check, or via PayPal. This fee is due at the time of adoption.

You will receive a copy of the dog’s rabies certificate and any other vetting paperwork, as well as a copy of the signed Adoption Contract, at the time of adoption if possible, or within two weeks of adoption.

What happens if I meet the right dog, but I can’t adopt right away? Will you hold the dog for me until I’m ready?

No, we do not hold dogs for potential adopters. Our mission is to find wonderful homes for our dogs, and if we are holding a dog for an adopter who might not be ready to adopt, then that dog misses out on meeting another family who might be a great match. 

Exceptions can be made for a short period after a successful adoption meeting; this is at the foster’s discretion.

What happens if I can’t find the right dog? Will you share my application and approval with other rescues?

Yes, we will share information (with the exception of information obtained from personal references, as that information is kept confidential) with any rescue you choose.

In addition, we will accept home visit evaluations from certain rescues to simplify and expedite the application process for you.

How long will my approval be valid? Do I have to adopt a dog right away?

If nothing has changed (for example, you haven’t moved or adopted another pet), we typically keep your approval for one year to two years ..

Can I adopt two dogs together?

Generally, no. Most trainers agree that only one dog should be adopted at a time. This allows the dog time to transition and bond with you and your family. Puppies especially need this bonding time, as they can be difficult to train and socialize if they allowed to bond with their littermates instead of their human companions. 

We will consider allowing the adoption of more than one dog at a time, however, in instances where we have a “bonded pair” of dogs looking for a home we will adopt two together .


Crate Training :

With very few exceptions, we do require use of a crate in the transition period.

This allows the dog to have a " safe" place when you are not at home, as well as place to relax and chill as necessary. Newly adopted dogs need to go through a transition period and having a safe place is a great assist in this .

We are happy to discuss in more detail and  here's one of the many  excellent articles available online .


Why do you accept applications for adoption in certain areas only?

Because we require a home visit conducted by one of our volunteers as part of the application process, we are limited to the areas where we have volunteers. Currently, we have volunteers in most of Maryland, northern Virginia, WV and some parts of Pennsylvania, Delaware, Southern NJ and Washington, D.C.  

 We do  Home Visits in person or Virtual,  using Skype, Zoom, FaceTime etc .

Our dogs are fostered generally within 50 miles from the Baltimore Metro Area and adopters over 4  hours away are done by exception only.avi  also require all dogs in the home meet any potential adoptive dog so distance can be a variable.


What if I still have questions?


For  GENERAL  questions on our process  please email :

For questions on your submitted application ,please e-mail : 


We reserve the right to decline any application not fully completed .

*Please note that you are required to fill out your address and contact phone number even though they are not marked as required on this form. If you do not include your full address we will not be able to complete your application. Thanks!

P.O. Box 23231 •  Baltimore, MD 21203  •  (410) 775-6473 •  adoptions [ at ]