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MD Charity Campaign 
Number 27-2879838


Combined Federal
Campaign #15863


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All Shepherd Rescue!!! 
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Heartworm Prevention



All Shepherd Rescue requires all our adopters to use Heartworm (HW) Preventatives year-round for dogs.

Below are a few basic facts about Heartworm:

  • HW is a serious and potentially fatal disease.
  • It is caused by foot-long worms that live in the heart, lungs, and blood vessels of affected pets, causing severe lung disease, heart failure, and damage to other organs in the body.
  • Mosquitoes spread heartworms, so any area of the country that has mosquitoes—even just a few of them—can also have HW disease.
  • Dogs have been diagnosed with HW in every state in the U.S.
  • Dogs don’t just need prevention during warm-weather months. HW preventives work by treating heartworms that already infected the pet within the past month or longer.
  • Preventives must be given on time, every time to be effective. The American HW Society recommends year-round HW prevention.
  • HW preventives are safe, relatively inexpensive, and easy to give, but if a dog becomes infected, HW treatment can be costly and difficult, requiring multiple veterinary visits and months of exercise restriction, and can have a permanent effect or kill your dog.

To learn more:

Click here to view the handout on heartworm lifecycle.  



P.O. Box 23231 •  Baltimore, MD 21203  •  (410) 775-6473 •  adoptions [ at ]