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MD Charity Campaign 
Number 27-2879838


Combined Federal
Campaign #15863


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Invisible Fence Risks

ASR recommends against invisible, satellite, or underground fencing. From PetMD, here are a few things that can go wrong with an invisible fence:

1. The shock collar will only sometimes stop highly motivated dogs from running past the boundary.

2. Invisible fences do not prevent outsiders from coming in. Wild animals, other dogs, or people can easily wander into your yard, resulting in injuries or death. Invisible fences also do not protect dogs from being stolen.

3. Electric shocks can induce fear, anxiety, and aggression. While the goal of the invisible fence is to teach dogs to associate discomfort with approaching a boundary, some dogs fail to make that link. They may connect the pain they experience with something else going on at the time—like a person walking by—and subsequently be afraid of and/or aggressive towards passersby. When dogs see the shocks as random events, it is not unusual for them to develop generalized anxiety.

4. The system can malfunction.

5. The prongs on the collar can injure the skin.

A physical fence is usually the safest option. But even with a physical fence, dogs should never be left unattended, as it takes just a split second for a dog to escape. And just allowing a dog in the backyard does not constitute exercise.  Actively playing or training your dog is great.... and nothing is a substitute for a nice long walk.  

P.O. Box 23231 •  Baltimore, MD 21203  •  (410) 775-6473 •  adoptions [ at ]